Going Deeper – 01.05.2025

Breaking Ground

What was your fondest memory from 2024? Why?

The Dig

This Sunday, we took a break from our Jesus the Christ series in order to look forward to 2025. As such, take time within your group to reflect upon where you want to see growth this coming year, both individually & corporately.

Start by reading Galatians 5:13-26 as a foundation point for considering what our individual lives in Christ should look like

Where did you see yourself grow in terms of embodying the fruits of the Spirit in 2024? What impact did that have on your internal & relational world?

Where did you fall short of embodying the fruits of the Spirit in 2024? What impact did that have on your internal & relational world? 

Where do you want to see yourself grow in your ability to embody the fruits of the Spirit in 2025? What do you tangibly need to change to see this take place? 

Next, reflect on where your group has succeeded at living out the centered-set vision of community in 2024. As a reminder:

  • Bounded-set churches define who’s included by whether or not they share a set, clearly defined, & strict list of similarities (the same doctrinal beliefs, race, cultural background, socioeconomic status, political views, etc); while excluding those who deviate from these shared characteristics. 
  • Centered-set churches define who’s included solely by their relationship to Jesus Christ as our shared center. Moreover, they direct members to focus less on assimilating to shared characteristics & more on whether they’re moving towards their shared center

Where has your group successfully torn down boundaries & better lived out this centered-set vision of community in 2024? What fruit has that produced in your lives together? 

Where does your group still need to grow in living out this centered-set vision community? How can each member of your group help you better live this out in 2025? 

Close by praying together for each of you individually & your group corporately! 

Getting Out of the Hole

Take time this week to reflect on where you’ve been in 2024 & where you hope to go in 2025! Journal, reflect, & pray on how God might be speaking to you through each week’s teaching. Share your experience with your growth group next week!

Additional Resources*


Simply Jesus by NT Wright

The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning

Coming Up This Week:* 

Sunday, January 12th: Join us next Sunday as we continue our series Jesus the Christ! * Please see mye3.org for details.

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