Going Deeper – 12.24.2024

Breaking Ground

What’s your favorite Christmas food or drink? Why?

The Dig

This Sunday, we celebrated the birth of Jesus & the Incarnation as part of our Christmas Eve gathering! 

Begin by reading Luke 1:26-38. Here, we find the story of Jesus’ mother Mary who, shockingly, is an unwed, poor, oppressed Israelite woman. Obviously, Mary is definitely not the kind of person a 1st century Israelite would have expected to be the mother of the Messiah, nor how they would have expected him to arrive. 

Consider how this turned Mary’s life upside-down & upended any plans she had for her future. What do you imagine was going through her mind? Would you have responded to this situation with a hopeful “yes” like Mary does? 

Next, read Luke 1:46-55. Here, we find Mary processing through this event through this powerful song. 

What themes does Mary connect to the unexpected & upside-down way that Jesus arrived to the world? 

Why do you think Mary draws these conclusions from Christ’s arrival? How does it transform how she understands herself & her larger world

How does God coming to us as us change how we think about God’s presence in our lives & world? How does God coming like this change how we understand God?

Consider a part of your life that currently feels chaotic, broken, or upended. Are you struggling to find hope, joy, peace, & love within that area or relationship? How can you relate to Mary in that part of your life? 

How might Mary’s example help you better navigate what you’ve identified? How could your growth group help you find Christ with you in the midst of the chaos in this Christmas season?

Getting Out of the Hole

Take time this week to express gratitude for & reflect upon what Christ’s incarnation revealed about our universe. Consider how this great act of love invites you personally to discover God with you & for you (no matter what circumstances you find yourself in). 

Journal, reflect, & pray on how God might be speaking to you through each week’s teaching. Share your experience with your growth group next week!

Additional Resources*


Simply Jesus by NT Wright

The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning

Coming Up This Week:* 

Sunday, January 5th: As a reminder, we will not be having church next Sunday, but we will be back on the first Sunday of the New Year!* Please see mye3.org for details.

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