Going Deeper – 01.12.2025

Breaking Ground

What’s the most beautiful thing that you’ve seen in nature? Where were you & how did it impact you? 

The Dig

This Sunday, we continued our series Jesus the Christ by exploring the story of Jesus’ transfiguration

Begin by reflecting on the nature of transformation. 

How would you define being transformed as it relates to your own life, personhood, & lived experiences? Do any specific experiences come to mind? What usually has to happen for transformation to take place in your life? 

Read Mark 8:27-38. Here, Peter becomes the first person to identify Jesus as the Messiah (God’s promised King who would come to restore all things). However, immediately following this triumphant proclamation, Jesus shocks the disciples by declaring that 1.) this means he will have to undergo a self-sacrificial death; & 2.) that all who follow him will have to lay themselves down as well. 

Why is this revelation so shocking for the disciples? Why do you think Jesus says this immediately after this proclamation of his identity? 

Next, read Mark 9:1-10. As discussed on Sunday, this is a very theologically dense story that includes biblical references from across Scripture. In particular though, this scene replays Moses’ & Elijah’s encounters with God’s direct presence on Mount Sinai & identifies Jesus as both God’s new leader & prophet, as well as the very source of God’s presence on earth. 

How does this scene build upon the revelation at the end of Mark 8? What do you think it’s seeking to convey about Jesus? 

Close by reflecting on your own need for transformation. 

Where do you feel like you’re currently struggling to be the kind of person you want to be? Consider relationships or parts of your life where you’re presently struggling to be humble, sacrificial, loving, kind, gracious, etc. 

What sort of transformation might need to undergo in order for you to better fulfill the vision of who you want to be? What is keeping you from letting that transformation take root? 

What’s one step that you could take in the next week to open yourself to transformation in this area of your life? How might this group help you take that step? 

Getting Out of the Hole

In this series, take time each week to reflect upon the story from the story & how you can find yourself within it during this season of your life. 

  • Read Mark 9:2-10. First, break this story down into pieces. What is Jesus doing in this story? How are people responding to him? What changes by the end of the story?
  • Next, close your eyes & reflect upon the story. Imagine yourself in it. Put yourself into the space of the various characters & imagine what it would be like to encounter Jesus in the story. 
  • What images, teachings, or ideas speak to you the most in this story? What intrigues or confuses you? What feelings arose as you thought about being in the story? How can this story impact your life & your relationship with Jesus in this next season?

Additional Resources*


Simply Jesus by NT Wright

The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning

Coming Up This Week:* 

Sunday, January 19th: Join us next Sunday as we continue our series Jesus the Christ

* Please see mye3.org for details.

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