Going Deeper – 10.20.2024

Breaking Ground

What’s your favorite storytelling genre or trope? Why?

The Dig

This Sunday, we continued our series Jesus the Christ by exploring the Parable of the Good Samaritan. 

Begin by reading Luke 10:25-29. From the beginning, we’re told that this religious expert is trying to test, or trap, Jesus. First, he asks Jesus an impossible to answer question (Jewish tradition accepts that one can’t earn life with God) & then, after this fails, he demands that Jesus tell him who doesn’t belong in the category of “neighbor” in God’s eyes. 

Why do you think he asks this second question? What’s he getting at & how does it reveal a level of insidiousness within his motives & worldview? 

Next, read Luke 10:30-37. In response, Jesus tells this parable about a beaten man who’s neglected by a priest & Levite before being rescued by a Samaritan (someone despised as a traitor & corruptor of Judaism by most 1st century Israelites). 

Why do you think the Priest & Levite (two positive & esteemed religious figures for Jesus’ audience) move to the other side of the street & pass by without helping

Why does Jesus choose a Samaritan as the character who helps the man? What does the Samaritan reveal about what Jesus believes it means to be a true neighbor to others?

Close by reflecting on the challenge of this parable

What is provocative about this story? 

Consider the perspectives of the beaten man, priest, Levite, & Samaritan. How does each challenge us in terms of how we see others, ourselves, & our world? Which do you find most provocative or convicting? Why?

Who would you label your enemy? How do you treat this person or group of people? How might this story challenge you in terms of how you think about & treat that person(s)? 

Getting Out of the Hole

In this series, take time each week to reflect upon the story from the story & how you can find yourself within it during this season of your life. 

  • Read Luke 10:25-37. First, break this story down into pieces. What is Jesus doing in this story? How are people responding to him? What changes by the end of the story?
  • Next, close your eyes & reflect upon the story. Imagine yourself in it. Put yourself into the space of the various characters & imagine what it would be like to encounter Jesus in the story. 
  • What images, teachings, or ideas speak to you the most in this story? What intrigues or confuses you? What feelings arose as you thought about being in the story? How can this story impact your life & your relationship with Jesus in this next season? 

Journal, reflect, & pray on how God might be speaking to you through each week’s teaching. Share your experience with your growth group next week!

Additional Resources*


Simply Jesus by NT Wright

The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning

Coming Up This Week:* 

Sunday, October 27th: Join us next Sunday as we continue our series Jesus the Christ

* Please see mye3.org for details.

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