Going Deeper – 09.08.2024

Breaking Ground

When was the last time someone unexpectedly did something really nice for you? What happened & how did it make you feel? 

The Dig

This Sunday, we continued our series Jesus the Christ, where we’re exploring the person & teachings of Jesus, the center of our community.  In particular, we turned to one of Jesus’ most famous healing stories, in which he heals a paralyzed man. 

Read Mark 2:1-12. It’s important to recognize that, at this time, this man’s condition likely carried some level of stigma. It was often believed that such extreme conditions had to do with some sort of sin (either committed by the individual or their family line). 

With this in mind, reflect upon this story, what it reveals about Jesus, & how it would’ve impacted everyone involved. 

How do you think this paralyzed person would have thought about themselves & their brokenness? What internal narratives do you think they developed? 

Notice that Jesus’ statement of forgiveness does not immediately heal the paralyzed man. In other words, Jesus reveals that his forgiveness & physical condition are not linked. In fact, Jesus’ statement of comfort to the man is better stated as, “Little boy, don’t be afraid, you are right with God.” 

Why do you think Jesus says this before healing the man’s physical condition? 

Why does Jesus seek to heal this person holistically (mind, heart, spirit, & body)? What does this reveal about who Jesus is, how he operates, & what he wants to do in the world? 

How do you think this experience would have impacted the paralyzed man? How about the crowds & Jesus’ opponents? 

Reflect upon your own life & how this story might speak into it. 

What is an area of brokenness that you’ve struggled with for a long time? What internal narratives do you hold about this part of your life?

How might this story speak into both that brokenness & the narratives you hold about it? What would it mean for your to hear Jesus’ gracious statement (“Child, you are right with God”) & seek healing in that part of your life? 

Getting Out of the Hole

In this series, take time each week to reflect upon the story from the story & how you can find yourself within it during this season of your life. 

  • Read Mark 2:1-12. First, break this story down into pieces. What is Jesus doing in this story? How are people responding to him? What changes by the end of the story?
  • Next, close your eyes & reflect upon the story. Imagine yourself in it. Put yourself into the space of the various characters & imagine what it would be like to encounter Jesus in the story. 
  • What images, teachings, or ideas speak to you the most in this story? What intrigues or confuses you? What feelings arose as you thought about being in the story? How can this story impact your life & your relationship with Jesus in this next season? 

Journal, reflect, & pray on how God might be speaking to you through each week’s teaching. Share your experience with your growth group next week!

Additional Resources*


Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi by Amy-Jill Levine

Simply Jesus by NT Wright

The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning

Coming Up This Week:* 

Sunday, September 15th: Join us next Sunday as we continue our new series Jesus the Christ

* Please see mye3.org for details.

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