Going Deeper – 07.28.2024

Breaking Ground

What’s the biggest commitment you’ve ever made? What led you to make that commitment & how did it shape your life? 

The Dig

This Sunday, we continued our series Boundless Church, where we’re exploring what it means for Element3 to become a centered-set community. As a reminder:

  • Bounded-set churches define who’s included by whether or not they share a set, clearly defined, & strict list of similarities (the same doctrinal beliefs, race, cultural background, socioeconomic status, political views, etc); while excluding those who deviate from these shared characteristics. 
  • Centered-set churches define who’s included solely by their relationship to Jesus Christ as our shared center. Moreover, they direct members to focus less on assimilating to shared characteristics & more on whether they’re moving towards their shared center

This week, we explored how this centered-set vision should impact our engagement with marriage & gender. 

What is your personal experience with issues of gender & marriage? How have you seen these topics engaged & modeled in healthy & unhealthy ways in your life? 

How were you taught to think of these topics in your own life & within the Church? How did that shape your own engagement with this part of your humanity? 

How have thoughts & perspectives on this topic changed over the course of your lifetime? How has this change impacted your thoughts on these areas & your interactions with others? 

In your opinion, what does a healthy vision of gender & marriage look like? What resides at the foundation of these topics when it comes to Christianity & spirituality (i.e., covenant, identity, procreation, bonding, etc)? How can these topics, when engaged in a healthy way, better inform our understanding of discipleship & what it means to mirror our Creator? 

What boundaries do you currently have when it comes to gender & marriage? How is that impacting you holistically (physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, & relationally)?

How might a Centered Set vision on gender & marriage be both helpful & challenging for our church?

Coming Out of the Hole

During each week of this series, set aside time to reflect on your own struggles with creating boundaries & excluding people from Jesus & his community. 

  • What’s your history with this week’s topic? In your experience, has this been used as a boundary of exclusion in the Church? 
  • Where do you struggle to fully embrace those who differ from you when it comes to this topic? Do your attitudes & treatment of them reflect Christ or our world more? 
  • How can you humbly adjust your posture towards this topic over the course of this coming season in order to embrace a more Christlike one towards it? How can this help E3 further live into its vision of being a centered-set church?

Journal, reflect, & pray on how God might be speaking to you through each week’s teaching. Share your experience with your growth group next week!

Additional Resources*


Centered-Set Church: Discipleship & Community Without Judgmentalism by Mark D. Baker

The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning

Coming Up This Week:* 

Sunday, August 4th: Join us next Sunday as we continue our series Boundless Church!

* Please see mye3.org for details.

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