Going Deeper – 06.23.2024

Breaking Ground

What is the most distant place that you’ve ever traveled to? Why did you go there & how was your experience? 

The Dig

This Sunday, we took a break from our normal Sunday rhythms & heard from several of E3’s Global Mission partners that are serving in Guatemala, Haiti, & Uganda. Begin by reflecting on the panel discussion from Sunday.

Did any particular shares, ideas, or stories stand out to you the most? What commonalities can you identify between these missionaries & their ministries? How about differences? 

Have you ever traveled abroad to take part in a global humanitarian or missional effort? If so, how did that impact you? If not, what’s held you back from doing so? 

Where have you seen global mission work become unhealthy? What led it to do so? How do the people we heard from Sunday model a healthier, better alternative?  

Next, read Matthew 25:31-36, Matthew 28:16-20, & 2 Corinthians 9:1-15. At E3, we uphold that Jesus has called us to build his kingdom locally & globally. Critically, this involves both sharing the story of Jesus & letting God enact the fruits of that story through us across the world (compassion, mercy, justice, righteousness, etc). 

Why is it important to recognize that building God’s Kingdom requires both words & deeds? What happens to global mission work when this is forgotten? How should this impact how E3 seeks to take part in Kingdom building work globally? 

How does a global perspective on building God’s Kingdom change how we understand our own calling to help others (both as individuals & communally)? How might this help us adopt a broader perspective on what God’s doing in the world (as opposed to solely focusing on what’s happening in our own country or backyard)? 

How can you take a step forward in serving globally in this next season? This could include praying for those serving globally, giving financially to global humanitarian efforts, or even going on a short-term trip next year with E3!

Coming Out of the Hole

Take time to reflect on the Sunday sermon & how this week’s teaching might speak into your daily life.

  • Which speaks or shares did you find most interesting or powerful? Were there any that made you want to learn more about their specific ministries or work?
  • How do you currently support global missions or humanitarian work? 
  • Commit to taking a step forward in supporting global missions over this next season. This could include praying, giving, or going

Journal, reflect, & pray on how God might be speaking to you through each week’s teaching. Share your experience with your growth group next week!

Additional Resources*


When Helping Hurts by Brian Fikkert & Steven Corbett

Coming Up This Week:* 

Sunday, June 30th: Join us next Sunday as Pastor Scott explores key buzzwords within the Church today!*

Please see mye3.org for details.

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