Breaking Ground
What is your favorite summer activity? Why?
The Dig
This Sunday, we concluded our series Apocalypse Now by offering up final thoughts on biblical apocalypses & apocalyptic literature.
What stood out to you the most from this series? Were you surprised or impacted by any idea or concept specifically? Why?
Begin by going through our Rules for a Biblical Apocalypse one final time:
- RULE 1: A biblical apocalypse describes a God empowered epiphany through which God reveals to someone a previously hidden part of their reality.
- RULE 2: Biblical apocalypses come in different forms.
- RULE 3: All biblical apocalypses rely heavily upon symbolism & metaphor.
- RULE 4: The primary purpose of a biblical apocalypse is to transform us HERE & NOW.
Which of these rules have you found most valuable as you’ve explored this topic together? How do you think these can help you engage with this biblical literature moving forward?
Which apocalyptic texts do you want to explore more? Were any especially intriguing to you? How can these rules & the teachings of this series help you engage with that text in a productive way?
Close by returning to the passages that we opened this series with. Read Matthew 11:25-27 & Galatians 1:11-16 (but replace the terms “reveal” & “revelation” with apocalypse).
How do these passages speak to you on the other side of this series? Has this series changed or impacted how you read them in any way?
How does encountering Jesus & his teachings act as an apocalypse for Christians? How should this shape how we understand the purpose & direction of discipleship in our lives?
Consider Pastor Mike’s closing idea on today’s panel. Specifically, that following Jesus should transform us into walking, talking apocalypses of Jesus in our interactions with others.
What does it mean for you to become an apocalypse of Jesus in your relational world? How can you embrace this calling more thoroughly in this next season of your life?
Coming Out of the Hole
Take time to reflect on the Sunday sermon & how this week’s teaching might speak into your daily life.
- What stood out to you the most from this series? Why?
- How can you engage the Bible’s apocalyptic literature in a healthy & productive way moving forward?
- Where do you feel like you’re currently experiencing an apocalypse through Jesus in your life? How might that be able to make you more like him in the coming months & years?
Journal, reflect, & pray on how God might be speaking to you through each week’s teaching. Share your experience with your growth group next week!
Additional Resources*
The Theology of the Book of Revelation by Richard Bauckham
Binding the Strong Man by C. Myers
The Moral Vision of the New Testament by Richard B. Hays
Coming Up This Week:*
Sunday, June 2nd: Join us next Sunday as we begin our new series Stephen’s Speech!
* Please see for details.