Going Deeper – 04.21.2024

Breaking Ground

When was the last time you had to make a really big decision? What happened & how did you make that decision? 

The Dig

This Sunday, we continued our series Apocalypse Now & explored how the biblical concept of an apocalypse can speak into our lives today. Begin by recalling the “Four Rules for a Biblical Apocalypse” that we’re relying on throughout this series:

  • RULE 1: A biblical apocalypse describes, not our world’s annihilation, but instead a God empowered epiphany through which He reveals to someone a previously hidden truth concerning their reality. 
  • RULE 2: Biblical apocalypses come in different forms & the term can be used to describe an individual experience, longer visionary dream, or genre of biblical literature.
  • RULE 3: All biblical apocalypses rely heavily upon symbolism & metaphor
  • RULE 4: Though sometimes incorporating hopeful promises about the future of God’s story, the primary purpose of a biblical apocalypse is to transform us HERE & NOW. 

This week we explored a personal apocalypse or an encounter where God interrupts an individual’s life in order to change their perspective forever.

Read Acts 9:1-9 & then Galatians 1:11-16. In Acts 9, we read about the story of the Apostle Paul’s conversion; where he’s confronted by Jesus as he traveled to persecute Christians in Damascus. Ultimately, this event completely transformed Paul’s worldview &, in Galatians, he describes it as an apocalypse (NOTE: the English word “reveal” is a translation of the Greek word for apocalypse).

With this in mind, what stands out to you about Paul’s apocalypse in Acts? How does it both mirror & differ from the other apocalyptic experiences that we’ve looked at so far?

What’s revealed to Paul in this apocalypse? How does it transform how he understands himself, his purpose, others, the world, & God? 

How does Paul describe this experience in the Galatians text? What does it reveal about how he’s processed this life-changing moment over time? 

Close by reflecting upon your own experiences with personal apocalypses. 

Where, in your adult life, have you dramatically changed your mind or perspective about something in your life or world? What inspired this change & how did it come about? 

Where, as an adult, have you experienced the most change in how you tangibly live & act? What inspired this change & how did it come about? 

Where are you currently experience a shift in your worldview, perspective, or lifestyle in a significant way? What inspired this change & what might God be revealing to you through it about your reality? 

Coming Out of the Hole

Take time to reflect on the Sunday sermon & how this week’s teaching might speak into your daily life.

  • Read Acts 9:1-9. What stands out to you about this passage? How would you describe Paul as he heads to Damascus? What does Jesus reveal to him in this encounter? 
  • Next, read Galatians 1:11-16. What stands out about how Paul reflects upon this significant moment in hindsight? How do you perceive that it change his thinking & way of life?
  • Where might you need to change like Paul does in this next season? How can Jesus provide you with an example of what that change might look like?  

Journal, reflect, & pray on how God might be speaking to you through each week’s teaching. Share your experience with your growth group next week!

Additional Resources*


The Theology of the Book of Revelation by Richard Bauckham

Binding the Strong Man by C. Myers

The Moral Vision of the New Testament by Richard B. Hays

Coming Up This Week:* 

Sunday, April 28th: Join us next Sunday as we continue our series Apocalypse Now!

* Please see mye3.org for details.

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