Going Deeper – 02.18.2024

Breaking Ground

Who is your favorite historical figure? Why?


The Dig

This Sunday, we kicked off our new series In Excess, in which we’ll be exploring the life of King David & the topic of excess. 

How would you define excess? Do you think it’s viewed as a positive or negative attribute in our culture? Where do you see it most commonly encouraged & what impact does this have on people?

Read 1 Samuel 13:13-14 & 1 Chronicles 29:14-30. Here, we find the opening statement of David’s leadership career (1 Samuel) & a glowing summary of his reign (1 Chronicles). Altogether, they depict David as someone who longed to follow God & reigned as Israel’s most succesful king. However, paradoxically, David’s life was also marred by moments of catastrophic moral failure which were often caused by his pursuit of excess. In each case, David turned a good part of being human into a destructive force for himself, others, & Israel as a whole.   

Why is it important that Scripture includes stories that depict both of these sides to David’s character (the good & disastrously excessive)?

How does the pursuit of excess turn good things into destructive forces? Have you found this to be true in your own experience?

Over the next several weeks, we’re going to sit with how David’s story invites us to reflect on the impact of excess on several major parts of our humanity: do-it-all-ness, leisure, sex, self-image, money, & power. 

Which of these topics do you find most interesting or important to consider in our present time & context? Why?

Identify one area where you struggle with excess (from this list or something else). How & why do you struggle with excess in the area that you identified? What impact has this had on your life & relationships? What might it look like to reorient your relationship to that part of being human over this next season of your life?  

Coming Out of the Hole

Take time to reflect on the Sunday sermon & how this week’s teaching might speak into your daily life.

  • Define excess. What is it? What determines the difference between excess & having enough? How does it affect people?
  • Based upon your definition, where do you currently see yourself struggling with excess in your life? What’s leading you to over-indulge in that area?
  • How might you be able to use this Lent season to fast in that area of your life? How can this be the first step in a longer journey of seeking spiritual health in that area? 

Journal, reflect, & pray on how God might be speaking to you through each week’s teaching. Share your experience with your growth group next week!

Additional Resources*

New Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton

Bread & Wine: Readings for Lent & Easter

Falling Upward by Richard Rohr


Coming Up This Week:* 

Sunday, February 25th: Join us next Sunday for week 2 of our series In Excess, where we’ll be exploring several key moments from the life of King David! 

* Please see mye3.org for details.

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